12. Advanced Settings
6. Enter the column number in which the display (tile) is situated.
Tiled setup
Tiled setup : [yes]
Complete setup has:
Rows: 3
Columns: 3
This panel is:
Row: 1
Colomn: 1
Menu 12-43
Tiled setup
Tiled setup : [yes]
Complete setup has:
Rows: 3
Columns: 3
This panel is:
Row: 1
Colomn: 1
Menu 12-44
Image 12-7
Practical example to set up the configuration.
• Start with the first display and give it a IR address. Enter a logical pin code for the IR unlocking and set the IR locking on.
As the PIN code contains four digits, use e.g. the first 2 digits to indicate the row and the second 2 digits to indicate the colomn.
• Set display per display on the same IR address, enter the logical PIN code and set the IR locking on.
• Unlock now the first display and set up the tile configuration and all other adjustments for that display. Set IR locking back on
ON and continue with the next display.
• Identification screen
• IR address
• Serial communication
• IR locking
• Restore Factory Defaults
12.10.1Identification screen
The display’s identification screen
The identification screen displays the display’s main characteristics.
These are :
• Display type
• IR address
• RS232 address
• Serial number of the display
• Run time since first start up
• Software version
R5976672 SOLARIS LC40 13/01/2005