Black Box KV5300 Series Switch User Manual

Table 4-1. Keyboard Mapping by the Multiplatform ServSwitches
Generally, the ServSwitch interprets keys by their positions on the keyboard, so any keys that
occupy more or less the same positions and perform more or less the same functions across
platforms will map one-to-one. However, certain keys available on certain keyboards do not
correspond well or are not available on other types of keyboards, so the multiplatform Switch
maps the more important of these as shown below (see also Section 4.3.16).
On the Sun Emulates the Emulates the Emulates the
keyboard, the PC 101/102-key PC 104/105-key Apple keyboard’s
___ key: keyboard’s ___ key: keyboard’s ___ key: ___ key:
Control Left Ctrl Left Ctrl Left Control
Alt Left Alt Left Alt Left Option (alt)
Left Command () N/A Left Win Start ( ) Left Command ()
Right Command () N/A Right Win Start ( ) Right Command ()
Compose Right Ctrl Right Ctrl Right Control
Alt Graph Rt. Alt or Alt Graph Rt. Alt or Alt Graph Right Option (alt)
Power (|) N/A Win App ( ) Power ()
On the IBM PC 101/ (Maps to same Emulates the (Not recommended)
102-key keyboard, key on PC 104/ Apple keyboard’s Emulates the Sun
the ___ key: 105-key keyboard.
___ key: keyboard’s ___ key:
Left Ctrl Left Control Left Control
Left Alt Left Command () Left Command ()
Rt. Alt or Alt Graph Right Option (alt) Alt Graph
Right Ctrl Power () Power (|)
On the IBM PC 104/ (Natively supports Emulates the (Not recommended)
105-key keyboard, PC 101/102-key Apple keyboard’s Emulates the Sun
the ___ key: keyboard functions.) ___ key: keyboard’s ___ key:
Left Ctrl Left Control Control
Left Win Start ( ) Left Command () Left Command ()
Left Alt Left Option (alt) Alt
Rt. Alt or Alt Graph Right Option (alt) Alt Graph
Right Win Start ( ) Right Command () Right Command ()
Win App ( ) Power () Power (|)
Right Ctrl Right Control Compose
On the Apple Emulates the Emulates the (Not recommended)
keyboard*, the PC 101/102-key PC 104/105-key Emulates the Sun
___ key: keyboard’s ___ key: keyboard’s ___ key: keyboard’s ___ key:
Left Control Left Ctrl Left Ctrl Control
Left Option (alt) Left Alt Left Alt Alt
Left Command () N/A Left Win Start ( ) Left Command ()
Right Command () N/A Right Win Start ( ) Right Command ()
Right Option (alt) Rt. Alt or Alt Graph Rt. Alt or Alt Graph Alt Graph
Right Control Right Ctrl Right Ctrl Compose
Power () N/A Win App ( ) Power (|)
*You should not use the Apple keyboard to emulate an IBM or Sun keyboard unless the operating systems and
applications running on your system’s IBM or Sun CPUs do not require the center or right mouse button and do not
require any of the “missing” Sun keys other than [Stop] (see Section 4.3.16).