Starting Up 3-7
Paste F10 Pastes the object in memory into a new location
on the label (the standard Microsoft Windows
“Paste” function). If nothing has been copied into
memory previously, the system beeps.
Undo F11 Reverses the previous action. Undo affects the
most recent set of editing changes to an object. If
the previous action cannot be undone, the system
beeps. Undoing the last several actions is possible
in some cases, depending on system memory.
Redoing actions is not supported.
Menu F12 Closes the current application and displays the
system’s Main Menu screen, allowing the user to
select a different application without restarting the
Cancel Print Alt+F1 Displays the Cancel Job screen, allowing the user
to cancel a print job regardless of what is
displayed on the screen.
Advance &
Alt+F2 Advances the supply such that any printing
currently under the print head clears the cutter and
shears it from the tape. “Shear” should not be
confused with the cut operation performed by the
plotter cutter (cutting out shapes, label borders,
Clear Alt+F3 Displays the Clear screen, providing options for
the user to clear the current label or all labels in
the current set.
Edit Data Alt+F4 Active in the Pipe Marker and Right-to-Know
specialty applications only. Provides access to the
prompt screens so you can edit objects.
Note: Substitutes for the Edit Object key, which
is unavailable in Pipe Marker and Right-to-Know.
Previous Label Alt+F5 Displays the previous label in the file. If there is
no label prior to the current one, the system beeps.
TABLE 3-1. System function keys and definitions (Continued)