Working with Labels 6-11
Pipe Marker and Right-to-Know exceptions
The Pipe Marker and Right-to-Know applications contain highly specialized
templates created for special situations. Most of you who use these applications are
already familiar with the standards and requirements for these types of labels.
When you create Pipe Marker and Right-to-Know labels, you follow the general
steps listed above, but you will encounter more exceptions to the generic examples
with these applications than with other applications.
For the most part, you will be able to create Pipe Marker and Right-to-Know labels
easily by simply following the prompts on the display screen. When the exceptions
to this process are significant, we’ll provide special instructions. Watch for this
Exception: This note contains special information about the Pipe Marker or
Right-to-Know applications.
Choosing a label application
The templates are organized in groups of similar designs, called applications,
which are listed on the system’s Main Menu screen (as seen in Figure 6-1 on
page 6-2). With the exception of the Custom application and the QuickText
application, each application contains one or more categories of pre-designed
templates, and are referred to as template-based applications.
All template-based applications use pre-designed layouts supplied with your
system. (See The Main Menun page 3-2 for full descriptions of all applications.)
Hint! You can set default application preferences (similar to system settings) for
each application, though the settings you may change vary according to
the application. See Setting Application Preferencesn page 6-33.