Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Configuring the Local-Side Certificates for the Cisco Presence Federation Proxy 16-15
Configuring the Remote-Side Certificates for the Cisco Presence Federation Proxy 16-15
Configuring the UC-IME by using the Unified Communication Wizard 16-16
Configuring the Topology for the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy 16-17
Configuring the Private Network Settings for the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy 16-18
Adding a Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server for the UC-IME Proxy 16-20
Configuring the Public Network Settings for the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy 16-20
Configuring the Local-Side Certificates for the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy 16-21
Configuring the Remote-Side Certificates for the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy 16-22
Working with Certificates in the Unified Communication Wizard 16-23
Exporting an Identity Certificate 16-23
Installing a Certificate 16-23
Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for a Unified Communications Proxy 16-24
Saving the Identity Certificate Request 16-25
Installing the ASA Identity Certificate on the Mobility Advantage Server 16-26
Installing the ASA Identity Certificate on the Presence Federation and Cisco Intercompany Media
Engine Servers
17 Configuring the Cisco Phone Proxy 17-1
Information About the Cisco Phone Proxy 17-1
Phone Proxy Functionality 17-1
Supported Cisco UCM and IP Phones for the Phone Proxy 17-3
Licensing Requirements for the Phone Proxy 17-4
Prerequisites for the Phone Proxy 17-6
Media Termination Instance Prerequisites 17-6
Certificates from the Cisco UCM 17-7
DNS Lookup Prerequisites 17-7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Prerequisites 17-7
ACL Rules 17-7
NAT and PAT Prerequisites 17-8
Prerequisites for IP Phones on Multiple Interfaces 17-9
7960 and 7940 IP Phones Support 17-9
Cisco IP Communicator Prerequisites 17-10
Prerequisites for Rate Limiting TFTP Requests 17-10
End-User Phone Provisioning 17-11
Phone Proxy Guidelines and Limitations 17-12
Configuring the Phone Proxy 17-14
Task Flow for Configuring the Phone Proxy 17-14
Creating the CTL File 17-15