Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 19 Configuring Cisco Mobility Advantage
Licensing for the Cisco Mobility Advantage Proxy Feature
Figure 19-5 How the Security Appliance Represents Cisco UMA – Certificate Impersonation
A trusted relationship between the ASA and the Cisco UMA server can be established with self-signed
certificates. The ASA's identity certificate is exported, and then uploaded on the Cisco UMA server
truststore. The Cisco UMA server certificate is downloaded, and then uploaded on the ASA truststore
by creating a trustpoint and using the crypto ca authenticate command.
Licensing for the Cisco Mobility Advantage Proxy Feature
The Cisco Unified Communications proxy features (Cisco Phone Proxy, TLS proxy for encrypted voice
inspection, and the Cisco Presence Federation Proxy) supported by the ASA require a Unified
Communications Proxy license. However, in Version 8.2(2) and later, the Mobility Advantage proxy no
longer requires a Unified Communications Proxy license.
The following table shows the licensing requirements for the Mobility Advantage proxy:
For more information about licensing, see Chapter 5, “Managing Feature Licenses,” in the general
operations configuration guide.
Configuring Cisco Mobility Advantage
This section includes the following topic:
• Task Flow for Configuring Cisco Mobility Advantage, page 19-7
Inspected and
(if needed)
Enroll with FQDN
of Cisco UMA
Key 1
Key 2
TLS (Self-signed,
or from local CA)
TLS (ASA Certificate with Cisco UMA FQDN)
3rd Party CA
Cisco UMA
Cisco UMC Client
Model License Requirement
All models Base License.