Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Configuring Inspection for Management Application Protocols
GTP Inspection
The Select GTP Map dialog box lets you select or create a new GTP map. A GTP map lets you change
the configuration values used for GTP application inspection. The Select GTP Map table provides a list
of previously configured maps that you can select for application inspection.
Note GTP inspection requires a special license. If you try to enable GTP application inspection on a
ASA without the required license, the ASA displays an error message.
• Use the default GTP inspection map—Specifies to use the default GTP map.
• Select an GTP map for fine control over inspection—Lets you select a defined application inspection
map or add a new one.
• Add—Opens the Add Policy Map dialog box for the inspection.
GTP Inspect Map
Configuration > Global Objects > Inspect Maps > GTP
The GTP pane lets you view previously configured GTP application inspection maps. A GTP map lets
you change the default configuration values used for GTP application inspection.
GTP is a relatively new protocol designed to provide security for wireless connections to TCP/IP
networks, such as the Internet. You can use a GTP map to control timeout values, message sizes, tunnel
counts, and GTP versions traversing the security appliance.
Note GTP inspection is not available without a special license.
• GTP Inspect Maps—Table that lists the defined GTP inspect maps.
• Add—Configures a new GTP inspect map. To edit a GTP inspect map, choose the GTP entry in the
GTP Inspect Maps table and click Customize.
• Delete—Deletes the inspect map selected in the GTP Inspect Maps table.
• Security Level—Security level low only.
Do not Permit Errors
Maximum Number of Tunnels: 500
GSN timeout: 00:30:00
Pdp-Context timeout: 00:30:00
Request timeout: 00:01:00
Signaling timeout: 00:30:00.
Tunnel timeout: 01:00:00.
T3-response timeout: 00:00:20.
Drop and log unknown message IDs.
• IMSI Prefix Filtering—Opens the IMSI Prefix Filtering dialog box to configure IMSI prefix filters.
• Customize—Opens the Add/Edit GTP Policy Map dialog box for additional settings.