Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 12 Configuring Inspection for Voice and Video Protocols
H.323 Inspection
• Not supported with dynamic NAT or PAT.
• Not supported with extended PAT.
• Not supported with NAT between same-security-level interfaces.
• Not supported with outside NAT.
• Not supported with NAT64.
• When a NetMeeting client registers with an H.323 gatekeeper and tries to call an H.323 gateway that
is also registered with the H.323 gatekeeper, the connection is established but no voice is heard in
either direction. This problem is unrelated to the ASA.
• If you configure a network static address where the network static address is the same as a
third-party netmask and address, then any outbound H.323 connection fails.
Select H.323 Map
Add/Edit Service Policy Rule Wizard > Rule Actions > Protocol Inspection Tab >
Select H.323 Map
The Select H.323 Map dialog box lets you select or create a new H.323 map. An H.323 map lets you
change the configuration values used for H.323 application inspection. The Select H.323 Map table
provides a list of previously configured maps that you can select for application inspection.
• Use the default H.323 inspection map—Specifies to use the default H.323 map.
• Select an H.323 map for fine control over inspection—Lets you select a defined application
inspection map or add a new one.
• Add—Opens the Add Policy Map dialog box for the inspection.
H.323 Class Map
Configuration > Global Objects > Class Maps > H.323
The H.323 Class Map pane lets you configure H.323 class maps for H.323 inspection.
An inspection class map matches application traffic with criteria specific to the application. You then
identify the class map in the inspect map and enable actions. The difference between creating a class
map and defining the traffic match directly in the inspect map is that you can create more complex match
criteria and you can reuse class maps. The applications that support inspection class maps are DNS, FTP,
H.323, HTTP, IM, and SIP.
• Name—Shows the H.323 class map name.
• Match Conditions—Shows the type, match criterion, and value in the class map.
Match Type—Shows the match type, which can be a positive or negative match.
Criterion—Shows the criterion of the H.323 class map.
Value—Shows the value to match in the H.323 class map.
• Description—Shows the description of the class map.
• Add—Adds an H.323 class map.