Compaq LA36 Printer User Manual

Command Sets
Function Command
Sixel Graphics Protocol Selector Ps1
Ps1 Value Horizontal Grid Size (inches) Aspect Ratio (Vert : Hor)
0, 1 or none 1/144 2
2 1/360 5
3, 4 1/180 2.5
5, 6, 7, 8 1/144 2
9 1/72 1
> 9 1/144 2
Vertical Grid size = 1/72 in., unless modified by Pn3 or DECGRA.
Sixel Graphics Grid Size defined by Pn3
HGS:VGS (dpi) by Aspect Ratio (defined by Ps1)
Pn3 Value
1:1 2:1 2.5:1 5:1
0 or none No change to HGS and VGS defined by Ps1
1, 2 360:360 360:180 360:144 360:72
3, 4 180:180 180:90 180:72 180:36
5, 6, 7 144:144 144:72 180:72 180:36
8, 9 90:90 90:45 90:36 180:36
10 - 15 72:72 72:36 90:36 180:36
16 - 19 45:45 72:36 90:36 180:36
 20 36:36 72:36 90:36 180:36