630 Configuring IPv6
Prefix Delegation Configuration
Use the Prefix Delegation Configuration
page to configure a delegated prefix for a pool. At least one
pool must be created using DHCPv6 Pool Configuration before a delegated prefix can be configured.
To display the page, click IPv6
Prefix Delegation Configuration in the tree view.
Figure 10-8. Prefix Delegation Configuration
The Prefix Delegation Configuration page contains the following fields:
Pool Name
— Specifies all the pool names configured. Select the pool to configure.
Delegated Prefix
— Drop-down menu that specifies the delegated IPv6 prefix to associate with the
specified pool. Select
to define a new delegated prefix for this pool.
Delegated Prefix
— Displays selected delegated prefix or allows entry of new one.
- Drop-down menu that selects the client's unique DUID value. Select
to define a new
DUID value for this pool.
- Displays selected DUID value or allows entry of new one.
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— Specifies the valid lifetime in seconds for delegated prefix.
Table 10-7. DHCPv6 Pool Configuration Commands
CLI Command Description
dns-server Sets the ipv6 DNS server address which is provided to a DHCPv6
client by the DHCPv6 server.
domain-name Sets the DNS domain name which is provided to a DHCPv6 client by
the DHCPv6 server.
ipv6 dhcp pool Enters IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration mode.