Dell PP01S Laptop User Manual

Display Device
Specifies whether the screen image will appear on the computer display,
an attached external monitor, or both. Options are LCD (the display),
CRT (an external monitor), and LCD/CRT. If this option is set to CRT but
no external monitor is connected, the screen image appears on the
computer display.
Display Mode Allows you to switch between Standard and Expanded mode. Under
Expanded mode, resolutions other than 800 x 600 expand to fill the
I/O Device Configuration Submenu
Table 3. I/O Device Configuration Submenu Options
Option Function
Serial port A Lets you map the address of the serial port to avoid address conflicts
with other devices or disable the port for security. Dell recommends that
you retain Auto (the default) to allow the operating system or the BIOS
to configure the port automatically. Other options are Disabled, which
disables the serial port, and Enabled.
To enter a custom configuration, set Serial port A to Enabled and then
configure Base I/O Address.
System Setup Options: Dell Latitude LS Portable Computers User's Guide
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