Dell PP01S Laptop User Manual

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Using the System Setup Program: Dell™ Latitude™
LS Portable Computers User's Guide
Entering the System Setup Program
Each time you turn on your computer, it compares the installed hardware with the system
configuration information stored in nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM). If the system
detects a discrepancy, it generates an error message for each incorrect configuration setting.
You can use the system setup program to adjust the configuration settings.
You can use the system setup program as follows:
To set or change user-selectable features — for example, your password or power
management features
To verify information about your computer's current configuration, such as the amount of
system memory
For some setup options, you must reboot the computer before any changes take effect.
Changes for other options take effect immediately.
NOTE: If you change an option that is activated by rebooting, the system setup program
displays the setting you selected rather than the setting currently in effect. You must
reboot for the new setting to take effect.
After you set up your computer, run the system setup program to familiarize yourself with your
system configuration information and optional settings. Dell recommends that you write down
the information for future reference.
For more information, see "System Setup Options."
Entering the System Setup Program
To enter the system setup program, turn on the computer and press <F2> as soon as you see
the Dell logo screen and before the Microsoft® Windows® logo screen appears. The computer
reboots automatically when you exit the Setup program.
Using the System Setup Program: Dell Latitude LS Portable Computers User's Guide
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