Dell PP01S Laptop User Manual

0060-0060 Keyboard controller
0061-0061 System speaker
0064-0064 Keyboard controller
0070-007F RTC and NMI enable
0080-009F DMA page registers
00A0-00BF Interrupt controller #2
00C0-00DF DMA controller #2
00F0-00FF Math coprocessor
0170-0177 CD-ROM drive controller
01F0-01F7 Hard-disk drive controller
0376-0376 IDE controller
0378-037F LPT1
03B0-03BB VGA
03C0-03DF VGA
03E0-03E1 PC Card controller
Diskette controller
03F8-03FF COM1
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Error Messages, IRQs, and Memory Assignments: Dell Latitude LS Portable Computers User's Guide
file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/New Web/Documentation/LS/LS User's Guide/error.htm (7 of 7) [5/31/2000 9:49:18 AM]