Dell PP01S Laptop User Manual

The system setup screens display the current setup and configuration information and optional
settings for your computer. Information on the screens is organized in four areas:
The menu across the top of each screen lists the six top-level screens (Main, Advanced,
Security, Power, Boot, and Exit) to aid you in moving from screen to screen.
The large box on the left two-thirds of each screen lists options that define the installed
hardware and the power conservation and security features of your computer.
The smaller box on the right third of the screen provides item-specific help information
about the currently selected option.
The information across the bottom of all screens lists keys and their functions within the
system setup program.
To exit the system setup program, press <Esc> and select one of the exit options.
NOTE: To reset the default values for each option in a menu, press <F9> and then
press <Enter> to confirm. To save the current values and exit the system setup
program, press <F10> and then press <Enter> to confirm.
For more information, see "System Setup Options."
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Using the System Setup Program: Dell Latitude LS Portable Computers User's Guide
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