Dell PP01S Laptop User Manual

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Display: Dell™ Latitude™ LS Portable Computers
User's Guide
Adjusting the Brightness Dual-Display Mode
Expanded Video Mode If You Have Display Problems
Video Drivers and Video Resolution Cleaning the Display and Touch Pad
Customizing Video Resolution
Adjusting the Brightness
To adjust the brightness of the display, you can use the key combinations shown in Table 1.
NOTE: When you run the computer on battery power, set your computer's brightness
control to the lowest setting that affords comfortable viewing. You can extend your
battery life by using the minimum brightness setting.
Table 1. Brightness Key Combinations and Their Functions
Key Combinations Function
<Fn> + down arrow Decreases brightness
<Fn> + up arrow Increases brightness
NOTE: To use key combinations on an external keyboard, enable the External
Hot-Key option in the system setup program and use <Scroll Lock> instead of <Fn>.
Display: Dell Latitude LS Portable Computers User's Guide
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