Dell PP01S Laptop User Manual

Boot Screen
The Boot Screen defines the order of the devices from which the computer attempts to boot when
you turn it on (see Table 6).
The boot device options appear in a list on the screen. When you turn on the computer, it attempts
to boot from the first option on the list. If no bootable files are present on the first option, the
computer tries to boot from the second option, and so on down the list (except where noted in the
following table).
To arrange the boot sequence, use the up- or down-arrow key to select a device, and then press
<F6> or the plus key (<+>) to move the device up the list or <F5> or the minus key (<–>) to move it
down the list.
The term boot refers to the computer's start-up procedure. When you turn on the computer, it
"bootstraps" itself into an operational state by loading into memory a small program, which in turn
loads the necessary operating system.
Table 6. Boot Screen Options
Option Function
If this option appears first on the list, the computer attempts to boot first
from a bootable diskette or SuperDisk. If there is a diskette present but it
does not contain the required boot files, an error message appears.
System Setup Options: Dell Latitude LS Portable Computers User's Guide
file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/D...Web/Documentation/LS/LS User's Guide/setupopt.htm (11 of 13) [5/31/2000 9:48:26 AM]