Chapter 5 Operating SCU 43
ACTURA Flex 48330 Power System User Manual
5.5.3 Alarm Type Table
Table 5-3 Alarm type table
Alarm Description
alarm level
Related parameter
1 Input MCB Trip The system AC input MCB tripped Critical None
2 SPD Fault The SPD circuit is faulty Critical 8
Only in a system with
AC sampling board
3 Digit Input Fault
The alarm name is user defined, not
longer than 10 characters. The
high/low level alarm can be set in the
alarm mode.
No alarm None
In a system with AC
sampling board, you can
name 2 routes; in a
system without AC
sampling, you can name
8 routes
4 DC/DC Failure Including DC/DC converter fault Critical None
5 AC Over Volt
The system AC input voltage is
higher than the set value of
parameter “OverVolt”
Critical None Over-voltage alarm
6 Ph-X Volt Low
The system AC input voltage is lower
than the set value of parameter
Critical None Under-voltage alarm
7 Phase failure
The AC input voltage of the power
system is lower than 80V
Critical None
8 Power Failure
In double-AC auto-switchover
1. All AC voltage inputs are lower
than 80V.
2. Both AC inputs 1 and 2 are
In single AC input system or
double-AC manual-switchover
system, the AC voltage of all
rectifiers are lower than 80V
Major 1
9 DC Voltage High
System DC output voltage is higher
than the set value of parameter
“Temp Threshold: Over”
Critical 2 Over-voltage alarm
10 DC Under-volt
System DC output voltage is lower
than the set value of parameter
“Temp Threshold: Under”
Critical 2 Under-voltage alarm
11 DC Voltage Low
System DC output voltage is lower
than the set value of parameter
“Temp Threshold: Low”
Observation 2 Low-voltage alarm
12 Batt Overtemp
Battery temperature is higher than
the set value of parameter “Temp
Threshold: Over Temp”
Major None
Over-temperature alarm
13 Batt Temp High
Battery temperature is higher than
the set value of parameter “Temp
Threshold: High Temp”
Observation None
High temperature alarm