User Instructions UM1M820BNA
Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B) Issue AH, March 4, 2013
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
Chapter 3. Local Display Menus 103
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"Rect AC" Parameter Settings:
Nominal PH-Volt: Enter the nominal line-to-neutral voltage (single phase rectifier) or
nominal line-to-line voltage (three phase rectifier).
Mains Fail Alm1: Sets the Mains Fail Alarm 1 value (percent of nominal).
Mains Fail Alm2: Sets the Mains Fail Alarm 2 value (percent of nominal).
Corresponding Alarms:
Phase A Voltage Low 1 (Nominal Minus "Mains Fail Alarm 1 Percent of Nominal)
Phase A Voltage Low 2 (Nominal Minus " Mains Fail Alarm 2 Percent of Nominal)
Phase A Voltage High 1 (Nominal Plus " Mains Fail Alarm 1 Percent of Nominal)
Phase A Voltage High 2 (Nominal Plus "V Mains Fail Alarm 2 Percent of Nominal)
Phase A used in the example above, Phase B and Phase C are similar.
EIB 1 Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / EIB / EIB 1
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / EIB Group / EIB 1 /
Settings Tab.
"EIB 1" Parameter Settings:
Shunt 1 Current: Enter the shunt 1 current rating.
Shunt 1 Voltage: Enter the shunt 1 voltage rating.
Shunt 2 Current: Enter the shunt 2 current rating.
Shunt 2 Voltage: Enter the shunt 2 voltage rating.
Shunt 3 Current: Enter the shunt 3 current rating.
Shunt 3 Voltage: Enter the shunt 3 voltage rating.
Num Batt Shunts: Enter the number of battery shunts connected to the EIB assembly.
Num Load Shunts: Enter the number of load shunts connected to the EIB assembly.
Voltage Type: The EIB assembly provides a total of eight (8) DC voltage inputs for battery
block monitoring. 24 (Block 2) selects the EIB to monitor up to four (4) 24V battery strings
with two (2) 12V blocks per string. 48 (Block 4) selects the EIB to monitor up to two (2) 48V
battery strings with four (4) 12V blocks per string. Midpoint selects the EIB to monitor the
midpoint voltage of up to eight (8) battery strings for either 24V or 48V systems.
Blk V Diff(12V): This menu item appears if “24 (Block 2)” or “48 (Block 4)” is selected
above. The “BlockVDiff(12V)” setting above selects the alarm threshold for battery
block monitoring. The ACU+ issues an alarm when any block voltage of any battery
string has an abnormal value. The alarm is issued when the difference between any
block voltage and a reference voltage is greater than the value of the block voltage
difference setting.
Blk V Diff(Mid): This menu item appears if “Midpoint” is selected above. The
“BlockVDiff(Mid)” setting above selects the alarm threshold for battery midpoint
monitoring. The ACU+ issues an alarm when any battery midpoint voltage of any
battery string has an abnormal value. The alarm is issued when the difference between
any battery midpoint voltage and a reference voltage is greater than the value of the
block voltage difference setting.
Block In-Use: Number of 12V battery blocks being used.