User Instructions UM1M820BNA
Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B) Issue AH, March 4, 2013
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
Chapter 3. Local Display Menus 93
This document is property of Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. and contains confidential and proprietary information owned by Emerson Network Power, Energy
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Power System
General Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Power System / General
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Power System /
Settings Tab.
"General" Parameter Settings:
Auto/Man State
Auto: The Controller automatically controls the power system.
Manual: A User can manually change power system control settings. When you return
to Auto Mode, any settings changed in Manual Mode are returned to their previous
setting (setting before being placed in Manual Mode).
Manual Mode Lmt: Time delay before returning to automatic control after being set for
manual control. A "0" setting disables the "Manual Mode Lmt" feature and the Controller
MUST be manually set to Auto control after being set to Manual control.
Mtnc Cycle Time: The maintenance cycle time is the number of days before a
Maintenance Alarm is issued. To reset the maintenance timer and clear the Maintenance
Alarm, clear the Maintenance Run Time (Main Menu / Manual / Power System / Clr
EStop / EShutdown
Disabled: Disables the Emergency Stop and Emergency Shutdown functions.
EStop: Enables the Emergency Stop function.
EShutdown: Enables the Emergency Shutdown function.
Load Curr Alarm: Sets the load current alarm point.
Alarm Blocked
Normal: Alarms are processed normally.
Blocked: Forces the alarm relays in the "off" state and blocks alarms from changing
the relay state.
Rect Expansion
Inactive: Select this option if this is the only ACU+ Controller in the power system.
Primary: Select this option if the power system consists of multiple bays with multiple
ACU+ Controllers, and this ACU+ Controller is to be the Primary Controller. Note that
only one (1) ACU+ Controller can be set as the Primary Controller.
Secondary: Select this option if the power system consists of multiple bays with
multiple ACU+ Controllers, and this ACU+ Controller is to be a Secondary Controller.
Up to four (4) ACU+ Controllers can be connected together when a power system requires
a greater number of rectifiers than can be controlled by a single ACU+ Controller. One (1)
Controller is designated as the primary Controller, the others as secondary Controllers.
The rectifiers controlled by the secondary Controllers are designated as RectifierGroup 2
though 4 in the menus.
Primary/Secondary Procedure:
Note: Changing the Rectifier Expansion setting may take more than 3 minutes for the
ACU+ to configure the feature.
1) Connect the ACU+ Controllers in the multiple bays via the RS485 interface.