User Instructions UM1M820BNA
Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B) Issue AH, March 4, 2013
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
Chapter 2. Operation 29
This document is property of Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. and contains confidential and proprietary information owned by Emerson Network Power, Energy
Systems, North America, Inc. Any copying, use, or disclosure of it without the written permission of Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. is strictly prohibited.
Note: Check you numbering to be sure it is correct. If there where conflicts in your numbering,
converters with conflicts will be assigned the next available sequential number.
13) Return to the Main screen by repeatedly pressing ESC (escape).
2.5.26 Viewing/Changing the Float Voltage Setting
Local Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Battery / Charge / Float Voltage.
Local Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Quick Setting / “FLT/EQ” Voltag / Float Voltage.
WEB Menu Navigation: Device Information / Battery Group / Settings Tab / Float Charge Voltage.
WEB Menu Navigation: Quick Settings / “Float/Equalize” Charge Voltage.
2.5.27 Viewing/Changing the Equalize Voltage Setting
Local Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Battery / Charge / EQ Voltage.
Local Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Quick Setting / “FLT/EQ” Voltag / EQ Voltage.
WEB Menu Navigation: Device Information / Battery Group / Settings Tab / Equalize Charge Voltage.
WEB Menu Navigation: Quick Settings / “Float/Equalize” Charge Voltage.
2.5.28 Setting Digital Inputs
Local Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Power System / General / DI[number] Alarm State.
WEB Menu Navigation: Device Information / Power System / Settings Tab / DI[number] Alarm State.
2.5.29 Setting Temperature Sensors
Temperature sensors may be connected to the…
Temp1 and Temp2 ports on an IB2 Interface Board,
Temp1 and Temp2 ports on an EIB Interface Board, and
Temp1 through Temp8 ports of up to eight (8) SM-Temp modules.
Each port (sensor) may be set as None, Battery, or Ambient.
A temperature sensor set as an ambient temperature sensor may also be set as the sensor which displays
the ambient temperature on the Web Interface’s Homepage.
A temperature sensor set as a battery temperature sensor may also be set as the temperature
compensation sensor (in addition, the temperature compensation sensor is the sensor which displays the
battery temperature on the Web Interface’s Homepage).
A temperature sensor set as a battery temperature sensor may also be set as the BTRM (Battery Thermal
Runaway Management) sensor (in addition, the BTRM sensor is the sensor which is used for the High
Temperature Disconnect [HTD] Feature.)
First, set each temperature sensor in the system to None, Battery, or Ambient.
Local Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Power System / General / IB2 Temp#.
Main Menu / Settings / Power System / General / EIB Temp#.
Main Menu / Settings / SMTemp / SMTemp # / T# Assign Equip.
WEB Menu Navigation: Device Information / Power System / Settings Tab / IB2 Temp #.
Device Information / Power System / Settings Tab / EIB Temp #.
Device Information / SM Temp Group / SM Temp # / Settings Tab /
Temperature# Assign Equipment.