Emerson M820D Power Supply User Manual

UM1M820BNA User Instructions
Issue AH, March 4, 2013 Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B)
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
112 Chapter 3. Local Display Menus
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Rectifier Expansion
Rectifier Expansion Menu
Up to four (4) ACU+ Controllers can be connected together when a power system requires a
greater number of rectifiers than can be controlled by a single ACU+ Controller. One (1) Controller
is designated as the primary Controller, the others as secondary Controllers. The rectifiers
controlled by the secondary Controllers are designated as RectifierGroup 2 though 4 in the menus.
Primary/Secondary Procedure:
Note: Changing the Rectifier Expansion setting may take more than 3 minutes for the ACU+ to
configure the feature.
1) Connect the ACU+ Controllers in the multiple bays via the RS485 interface.
2) Set one of the ACU+ Controllers as the Primary Controller (see below).
3) Set all other ACU+ Controllers as Secondary Controllers (see below).
4) Set the Address of the ACU+ Controllers set as Secondary Controllers to 201, 202, or 203
(see below). Note that each Secondary Controller must be set to a different address.
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Quick Setting / Rectifier Expansion
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Quick Settings / Rectifier Expansion.
"Rectifier Expansion" Parameter Settings:
Rect Expansion
Inactive: Select this option if this is the only ACU+ Controller in the power system.
Primary: Select this option if the power system consists of multiple bays with multiple
ACU+ Controllers, and this ACU+ Controller is to be the Primary Controller. Note that
only one (1) ACU+ Controller can be set as the Primary Controller.
Secondary: Select this option if the power system consists of multiple bays with
multiple ACU+ Controllers, and this ACU+ Controller is to be a Secondary Controller.
Address (Slave): Sets the address of an ACU+ Controller set as a Secondary Controller.