User Instructions UM1M820BNA
Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B) Issue AH, March 4, 2013
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
Chapter 4. WEB Interface Menus 153
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4.8.5 Alarm Suppressing Sub-Menu
Here you can modify the Alarm Suppression relationships of an alarm signal.
Alarm Suppression Explanation: If Alarm A suppresses Alarm B, when Alarm A occurs, Alarm B will not
be reported even if the conditions of Alarm B are met. For example, AC failure alarm will suppress AC low
voltage alarm. When AC failure occurs, the alarm conditions for both AC failure alarm and AC low voltage
alarm are met, and both alarms should be reported. However, since the AC failure alarm suppresses the
AC low voltage alarm, only AC failure alarm is displayed in the alarm list.
To configure Alarm Suppression, first select the device to which the alarm signal belongs. This displays all
the alarm signals of this device.
Locate the alarm signal to be configured for Alarm Suppression and click on the “Modify” button for this
alarm signal.