User Instructions UM1M820BNA
Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B) Issue AH, March 4, 2013
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
Chapter 3. Local Display Menus 107
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Clr MtncRunTime*: The only selection for "Clear Maintenance Run Time" is Yes. Once
Yes is selected and confirmed, the Power System’s Maintenance Run Time log is cleared.
All Rect Ctrl Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Manual / Rectifier / All Rect Ctrl
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Rectifier Group / select
the Control tab.
"All Rect Ctrl" Parameter Settings:
Rectifier Trim: Temporarily sets the output voltage for all rectifiers. Voltage can be
increased or decreased from the existing Float Charge or Equalize Charge setting,
depending which mode the Controller was in when set to "Manual". Setting reverts to
original when Controller is returned to the Auto mode.
DC On/Off Ctrl: Temporarily turns the DC output on or off for all rectifiers. Setting returns
to original when Controller is returned to the Auto mode.
AC On/Off Ctrl: Temporarily turns the AC input on or off for all rectifiers. Setting returns to
original when Controller is returned to the Auto mode.
Rect LED Ctrl: Temporarily sets whether or not a rectifier’s local power indicator blinks
when the Controller is communicating with the rectifier. Setting returns to original when
Controller is returned to the Auto mode.
Fan Speed Ctrl: Temporarily sets the fan speed for all rectifiers. Setting returns to original
when Controller is returned to the Auto mode.
Confirm ID/PH*: Confirms the position and input phase for all rectifiers.
Clear Rect Lost*: Clears a rectifier lost alarm.
Reset Cycle Alm*: Clears a rectifier oscillator alarm.
Clear Comm Fail*: Clears a rectifier communication fail alarm.
Rect #1 Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Manual / Rectifier / Rect #1
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Rectifier Group /
Rectifier #1 / select the Control tab.
"Rect #1" Parameter Settings:
DC On/Off Ctrl: Temporarily turns the rectifier’s DC output on or off. Setting returns to
original when Controller is returned to the Auto mode.
AC On/Off Ctrl: Temporarily turns the rectifier’s AC input on or off. Setting returns to
original when Controller is returned to the Auto mode.
LED Control: Temporarily sets whether or not the rectifier’s local power indicator blinks
when the Controller is communicating with the rectifier. Setting returns to original when
Controller is returned to the Auto mode.
Rectifier Reset*: Resets the rectifier.
Batt Group
Batt Group Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Manual / Batt Group
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Battery Group / select
the Control tab.