
Setting Up Your LifeBook C Series
LifeBook C Series from Fujitsu
second application of your choice when the
panel is set as an application launcher, and is
the Play button when it is set as an Audio
Player. The LCD display in the middle of the
player displays the current track number when
the panel is set as an audio player. The first but-
ton to the right of the LCD launches your
Internet Browser – or another application of
your choice – when the panel is set as an appli-
cation launcher, and is the reverse seek button
when the panel is in the audio player mode.
The last, or far right button of the panel,
launches your e-mail when the panel is a
launcher – or another application of your
choice – and functions as the fast forward
button when in audio player mode. The LED at
the far right of the panel is for a feature that is
not currently supported by your LifeBook. If
you register, you will be notified of this free
upgrade as soon as it is available. (Figure 1-4.)
Anti-theft Lock Slot
This is a slot that allows you to attach a option-
al physical lock down device. (Figure 1-5.)
Power Switch
This switch is the main power switch for your
notebook. (Figure 1-5.)
Selector A B Internet E-mail
Application Launch Launch Launch Internet Browser Launch e-mail
Application A Application B or other application or other application
Lock None None None None
CD Stop/Eject Play/Pause Reverse Forward
The switch at the left end of the panel deter-
mines the operational mode of the panel. When
in the up position the panel works as an applica-
tion launcher, when in the middle position the
panel has no function, and when in the down
position the panel operates as an audio player.
The first button launches an application of your
choice when the panel is set as a launcher, and is
the Stop and Eject button when it is set an an
audio player. The second button launches a
Figure 1-4 LifeBook Application Panel and function table
Selector Switch
Application B Launcher
or Play button
LCD Display
Internet Browser Launcher or
Reverse Seek button
Launcher or
Fast Foward button
(not supported)
Application A Launcher or
Stop and Eject button