Scanner Interface
Appendix A-32
Byte Bit Description
1C Bit 0 Data overflow
This bit is set to 1 for an image scanner in which an overflow can occur. The bit is set to 0
for an image scanner in which an overflow does not occur.
Bit 1 Monochrome function (black and white)
This bit is set to 1 if the image scanner has the monochrome (black and white) function.
The bit is set to 0 if the image scanner does not have this function.
Bit 2 Dither and half-tones
This bit is set to 1 if the image scanner has the dithering and halftones functions. The bit is
set to 0 if the image scanner does not have these functions.
Bit 3 Multilevel (gray scale)
This bit is set to 1 if the image scanner has the multilevel (gray scale) function. The bit is
set to 0 if the image scanner does not have this function.
Bit 4
Reserved (Bits 4 to 7 are reserved for JBMS)
Bit 5 Monochrome (RGB color)
This bit is set to 1 if the image scanner has the monochrome (black and white) function.
The bit is set to 0 if the image scanner does not have this function.
Bit 6 Dithering and halftones (RGB color)
This bit is set to 1 if the image scanner has the dithering and halftones functions. The bit is
set to 0 if the image scanner does not have these functions.
Bit 7 Multilevel (RGB color)
This bit is set to 1 if the image scanner has the multilevel (RGB color) function. The bit is
set to 0 if the image scanner does not have this function.