A.4 Commands
Appendix A-101
• DBD (disable block descriptor): Byte 1
When the DBD bit is 1, the target must not return the mode descriptor block in the Data In
phase. When this bit is 0, the target may or may not return the block.
This bit must be 0.
• PC (page control): Byte 2
PC specifies the type of parameter returned, defined as follows:
PC Parameter type
00 Current value
01 Changeable value
10 Default
11 Saved value
Only 00 (current value) can be set. Other values cause the following error:
Status: B’00001’ (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense key: X’5’ (ILLEGAL REQUEAT)
Page code: Byte 2
The page code specifies the page to be reported. The following are supported:
Page code Description
X’00’ Don’t care (IGNORE)
X’01’ Reserved
X’02’ Not supported
X’03’ Not supported
X’04’ to X’3D’ Reserved
X’3C’ Auto size detection
X’3D’ Lamp timer
X’3E’ Job separation sheet
X’3F’ Reserved
• Allocation length: Byte 4
The allocation length specifies the storage area allocated by the initiator for the mode sense
data in bytes.
0 means no data is transferred. This is not an error.
The target terminates the DATA IN phase when mode sense data for the number of bytes
specified in this field is transferred or when the tarnsfer of all valid mode sense data is