ServerView Event Manager 15
Starting the Event Manager
2.2 Starting the Event Manager
If the Event Manager is installed on a Windows-based management station, you
can start it directly on the management station via the Windows start menu.
Ê Select Start – [All ]Programs – Fujitsu – ServerView Suite – Event Manager –
Event Manager.
If the Event Manager Manager is installed on a Linux-based management
station, you can start ServerView Event Manager via a suitable Web browser
with the following Web addresses below:
Ê Enter the following Web address for SSL-protected (Secure Socket Layer)
On startup the login window of the Central Authentication Service is displayed.
I If the server’s IP address is an IPv6 address, you must enter it in square
brackets if you specify a port number.
Figure 1: Login window of the Central Authentication Service
In this window, enter the user name and the password of the ID under which you
are authorized to use Event Manager.