40 ServerView Event Manager
Alarm rules
4.1.1 Managing alarm rules
The Alarm Rules – Manage Alarm Rules screen provides an overview of all defined
alarm rules. The tabs Alarm Rules, Alarms, Servers and Destinations allow different
views of the defined alarm rules, depending on which tab is selected.
The Add button allows you to add new alarm rules. It opens a window in which
you can enter the name of the new alarm rule. You can also copy settings of an
existing alarm rule over to the new one. To do this, select an existing alarm from
the drop-down list. All settings of the existing alarm rule visible on the Alarms,
Servers, Destinations tabs and from the drop-down list marked with Copy settings
from rule will then be taken over by default. If you do not want to take over the
settings from every tab, you can disable the individual tabs by clicking the
selected checkbox directly. The assigned settings will then not be taken over for
the new alarm rule.
If you do not want to take over any settings, select the empty field in the drop-
down list.
The Edit button lets you modify existing alarm rules. With the Delete button you
can delete a selected alarm rule.
Figure 5: Alarm Rules - Manage Alarm Rules