110 Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Gateway ALR 8300 Server
D000-D3FF, setup utility field 62
D400-D7FF, setup utility field 62
D800-DFFF, setup utility field 62
definitions of terms 93
dimensions 96
filling system board sockets 35
installing 35
removing 36
supported 23
troubleshooting 81
discard changes, setup utility
field 71
disk drive
diskette controller 17
IDE controller 17
IDE, troubleshooting 82, 83
installing, 5.25-inch 37, 39
replacing a SCSI drive 43
ultraSCSI controller 17
diskette access, setup utility field 68
diskette drive
controller 17
controller setup field 65
setting drive A 56
setting drive B 56
troubleshooting 82
write protection 68
DMA channel, parallel port, setup
utility field 65
DMA usage 100
hot-swap 23
RAID controller 23
supported number 23
supported sizes 23
embedded PCI NIC, setup utility
field 60
embedded PCI SCSI
channel A, setup utility field 60
channel B, setup utility field 60
error messages 88
exit discarding changes, setup utility
field 71
exit menu, setup screen 70
exit saving changes, setup utility
field 71
expansion cards
installing 46
troubleshooting 83
expansion slots
PCI 20
PCI/RAIDport 20
extended memory, setup utility
field 56
fans, system board connectors 14
FAQ, accessing ix
FCC Notice 103
features, system board 12
fifth boot device, setup utility
field 70
first boot device, setup utility
field 69
fixed disk boot sector, setup utility
field 68
flash BIOS, updating 72
floppy disk controller, setup utility
field 65
fourth boot device, setup utility
field 69
glossary, accessing on Internet ix
guidelines, troubleshooting 78
4081TL.book Page 110 Tuesday, December 22, 1998 1:27 PM