Configuring for Network Management Applications
Using SNMP Tools To Manage the Switch
Figure 12-8. Example of SNMPv3 Configuration Session
[no] snmpv3 targetaddress <addr-name> params < params-name>
< IP-Addr >
The maximum number of bytes of length a message to
this target can be. ( Default:1472)
taglist < tag-params>
Set list of values used to select this entry from
Note: You are only allowed up to 103 characters for this value.
[no] snmpv3 params < params-name> user < user-name>
Add or delete a user parameter for use with target
address. The params-name must match the parms-name
in the targetaddress command. The user-name should be
a User from the user table. For more information on
users see “SNMP Version 3 Users” on page 12-8
A complete params command must also have a sec-model
and msg-processing entry.
< sec-model < ver1 | ver2c | ver3 >>
This established the security model to use for messages
passed to the targetaddress. IF ver3 is used then the
msg-processing must also be ver3.
< msg-processing < ver1 | ver2c | ver3> [noaut | auth | priv >
Establish the msg-processing for algorithm for
messages passed to the target address. If ver3 is used
and sec-model is ver3 then you must select a security
services level (< noauth | auth | priv >)
tagvalue matches taglist value.
params value matches
params name.
Both ver3 means you must select a
security service level.