Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Locating a Device
Web: Configuring Port Monitoring
To enable port monitoring:
1. Click on the Configuration tab.
2. Click on Monitor Port.
3. To monitor one or more ports.
a. Click on the radio button for Monitor Selected Ports.
b. Select the port(s) to monitor.
4. Click on Apply Changes.
To remove port monitoring:
1. Click on the Monitoring Off radio button.
2. Click on Apply Changes.
For Web-based Help on how to use the Web browser interface screen, click
on the
[?] button provided on the Web browser screen.
Locating a Device
If you are trying to locate a particular switch you can enter the chassislocate
command. The blue Locator LED will light up on that switch.
Syntax: chassislocate [ blink | on | off ]
Locate a device by using the blue Locate LED on the front panel.
blink <1-1440>
Blinks the chassis Locate LED for a selected number of minutes
(default is 30 minutes).
on <1-1440>
Turns the chassis Locate LED on for a selected number of minutes
(default is 30 minutes).
Turns the chassis Locate LED off.