HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2510G Switch User Manual

Selecting a Management Interface
Advantages of Using ProCurve Manager or ProCurve Manager Plus
Device Software Updates: This feature automatically obtains new
device software images from ProCurve and updates devices, allowing
users to download the latest version or choose the desired version.
Updates can be scheduled easily across large groups of devices, all at
user-specified times.
Investment Protection: The modular software architecture of Pro-
Curve Manager Plus enables ProCurve to offer network administra-
tors add-on software solutions that complement their needs.
Custom Login Banners for the Console and
Web Browser Interfaces
You can now configure the switch to display a login banner of up to 320
characters when an operator initiates a management session with the switch
through any of the following methods:
serial connection
Web browser
In the factory default configuration, the switch displays the following default
Figure 2-5. The Default Login Banner
ProCurve J9279A Switch 2510G-24
Software revision Y.11.01
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as set forth in subdivision (b) (3) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and
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