50 Storage Management with DB2 for OS/390
MCDB22 This Management Class is intended for table spaces that are
allowed to migrate and require less availability than that defined
in the MCDB2M1 Management Class. This Management Class
causes migration after one week of inactivity and the table space
will migrate directly to level 2. For example, this Management
Class can be used for Test or Development table spaces.
Table 13. SMS Management Classes for DB2 Databases
6.1.5 SMS Storage Groups
SMS Storage Classes and Management Classes are combined to generate
Storage Groups. This function is performed by the ACS routines. Table 14 on
page 51 shows the relationship between SMS Storage Classes and the SMS
Management Classes with the SMS Storage Groups. Only those Storage Groups
required to satisfy DB2 database requirements need to be defined.
SMS Storage Groups should be created based on available disk types and data
set requirements as defined in Storage Classes and Management Classes. Only
exceptionally, for large (partitioned) table spaces and for critical table spaces,
may strict data set placement be an issue. Only in these cases may special SMS
Storage Groups be defined.
Table 15 on page 51 shows the attributes of the example SMS Storage Groups for
DB2 table and index spaces. These are:
SGDB20 Standard Storage Group intended to satisfy most of the DB2 table
spaces and index spaces. No DFSMShsm migration nor DFSMS
backup is required.
SGDB21 Storage Group for DB2 table spaces and index spaces that may
migrate; for example, data warehouse table and index spaces.
SGDB22 Storage Group for DB2 table spaces and index spaces that may
migrate to level 2. For example, development system table and
index spaces.
SGDBFAST Storage Group for DB2 table spaces and index spaces requiring
performance. No DFSMShsm migration nor DFSMS backup.
SGDBCRIT Storage Group for DB2 table spaces and index spaces requiring
performance and availability. No DFSMShsm migration nor
DFSMS backup.
Expire after Days Non-usage NOLIMIT NOLIMIT NOLIMIT
Primary Days Non-usage 77
Level 1 Days Date/Days 14 0
Command or Auto Migrate None Both Both
Backup Options Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable