42 CMX158886 cpuModule BDM-610000049 Rev G
multiPort™ (CN6)
RTD’s exclusive multiPort can be configured as an Advanced Digital I/O (aDIO™), a parallel port, or a floppy drive.
Refer to Chapter 4, Using the cpuModule, to configure the multiPort.
multiPort Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Undershoot Protection
The multiPort interface provides electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection allowing the aDIO port, parallel port,
and floppy port circuits to be protected from electrically charged external objects that may come in contact with
the cpuModule.
The ESD protection minimizes susceptibility of the circuitry to ESD from human contact, and is rated to
withstand up to 2000V with the Human Body Model (HBM) standardized ESD test. The protected circuitry is
also rated to protect against up to 1000V with the Charged Device Model (CDM) standardized ESD test.
In addition to the ESD protection, the circuitry also provides -2V undershoot protection by ensuring that the
pins remain in the off state when such voltage levels are connected as inputs to the cpuModule.
For specific electrical characteristics, refer to Table 4 on page 13.
multiPort Configured as an Advanced Digital I/O (aDIO™) Port
The mulitPort connector (CN6) can be configured as an aDIO port. aDIO is 16 digital bits configured as 8-bit
programmable and 8-bit port programmable I/O, providing any combination of inputs and outputs. Match,
event, and strobe interrupt modes mean no more wasting valuable processor time polling digital inputs.
Interrupts are generated when the 8-bit programmable digital inputs match a pattern, or on any value change
event. Bit masking allows selecting any subgroup of 8 bits. The strobe input latches data into the bit
programmable port and generates an interrupt. Refer to multiPort: Advanced Digital I/O Ports (aDIO™) on page
62 for information on programming the multiPort.
Table 27 multiPort aDIO Pinout
CN6 Pin Function CN6 Pin Function
1strobe 02 P0-4
9P1-310strobe 1
11 P1-4 12 GND
13 P1-5 14 GND
15 P1-6 16 GND
17 P1-7 18 GND
19 P0-0 20 GND
21 P0-1 22 GND
23 P0-2 24 GND
25 P0-3 26 +5 V