6. Set the X'02' existence bit on in IC_BITS1 to indicate that a SYSID is
7. Return to CICS.
1. Scan the global work area (GWA) and locate the entry for the CICS
region specified in the SYSID parameter.
2. Decrement the use count for this system.
3. If a GETMAIN was issued in XICEREQ to obtain an area to hold the
SYSID, issue a FREEMAIN for the address held in UEPICTOK.
4. Return to CICS.
Example and sample programs
CICS supplies two programs for use at the XICEREQ exit:
v DFH$XTSE, supplied in hardcopy only, is an example program that shows
how to modify fields in the command-level parameter structure passed to all
the EXEC interface exits. DFH$XTSE is listed on page 807.
v DFH$ICCN is a sample program for use in a distributed routing
environment, where you want to cancel a previously-issued interval control
request but have no way of knowing to which region to direct the CANCEL.
For examples of situations which DFH$ICCN is designed to cope with, see
CICS Intercommunication Guide
interval control EXEC interface program exits
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide