Start-of-run record
When CICS connects to a general log, it writes a start-of-run record to it as the first
record for this run of CICS. This record comprises a record header (with the same
format as that for any general log journal record) followed by a start-of-run body. Its
format is shown in Figure 58.
Format of caller data
Caller data follows the record header.
The format of the caller data part of a general log journal record differs according to
the CICS component writing the record, and the function being journaled.
Journal records can be written by any of the four following CICS components:
journal control (in the case of a request issued by a user), file control, the front end
programming interface (FEPI), and terminal control. The field GLRH_REC_COMPID
in the record header tells you which component has written the record: UJ, FC, SZ,
or TC respectively.
File control adds information to the start of the actual journaled data, and this is
described in “Caller data written by file control” on page 637. The other components
(journal control, FEPI, and terminal control) do not add any further information to
the journaled data.
If the record has been written by the CICS API, the caller data section starts with an
API user header, the format of which is shown in Figure 59 on page 637.
48 8
Fixed length
CICS release
CICS applid CICS username
Figure 58. Format of the start-of-run record
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide