Table 32. DFHTEP error codes and conditions unique to TCAM
Error code Condition Action
X'87'(TCEMCUI) Unsolicited input
Terminal ‘receive only’
Terminal ‘out of service’
Task has not issued a read
No available TCTTE from pool.
a, b
No default
No default
X'9F'(TCEMIDR) TCAM has issued an invalid destination
return code to CICS.
a = Release TCAM TIOA (X'04' in TEPCAACT)
b = Terminal out of service (X'20' in TEPCAACT)
c = Abend transaction (X'10' in TEPCAACT).
Message routing
The DEST option of the EXEC CICS SEND command can be used to route an
output message to a destination that you defined in the TCAM MCP. This operand
can be used to send a message to a destination other than the source terminal
(such as to another terminal, a list of terminals, or another application program).
CICS moves the data from TCTTEDES into the destination identification field before
placing the data on the TCAM output process queue. You may bypass the CICS
routine that inserts the destination field by taking the XTCMOUT user exit and
returning to CICS from the exit with a displacement of zero. In this case, you must
ensure that the TCAM header is correctly formatted for output.
If the DEST option is omitted, CICS inserts the source terminal NETNAME from the
TCTTE into the destination identification field.
Segment processing
The CICS-TCAM interface supports TCAM segment processing, except when BMS
is used. It permits segments of a message to be forwarded to CICS rather than
waiting for the entire message to be received. If you specify segment processing
(by including the parameter C on the OPTCD operand of the DFHTCT
TYPE=SDSCI macro), CICS passes the segment to you, and places the position
field control byte in the TCTTE field labeled TCTTETCM. Your application program
can read the contents of TCTTETCM by means of an EXEC CICS INQUIRE
TERMINAL command:
EXEC CICS INQUIRE TERMINAL(4-character data-value)
TCAMCONTROL(1-character data-area)
This returns a 1-byte hexadecimal value that indicates which segment of the
message is being passed.
the CICS-TCAM interface
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide