Signon and signoff exits XSNON and XSNOFF
Exit XSNON is invoked after a terminal user signs on, and exit XSNOFF is invoked
after a terminal user signs off (whether the signon or sign-off is successful or not).
XSNON and XSNOFF do not make any security decisions; they are merely a
means of tracking users logging on and off a CICS system.
The activities which drive the exits are:
v Invocation of an EXEC CICS SIGNON command for a terminal (when, for
example, the terminal user enters the CICS-supplied CESN, or an equivalent,
user-written, signon transaction)
v Invocation of an EXEC CICS SIGNON command for a surrogate terminal (that is,
a terminal attached by the CRTE routing transaction, or by dynamic transaction
v Invocation of an EXEC CICS SIGNOFF command for a terminal
v When a 'CANCEL' command is entered to terminate a CRTE routing session
v A timeout sign-off.
When invoked
When a user signs on.
Exit-specific parameters
Address of the terminal userid.
Address of the terminal userid length.
Address of the group ID. If the signon was successful, the group ID
is that which the user is associated with in this signon session. If
the signon was unsuccessful, it is that specified by the user when
he or she tried to sign on.
Address of the group ID length.
Address of the terminal’s netname.
Address of the terminal id.
Address of the TCT user area.
Address of the TCT user area length.
Address of the terminal-type byte.
Address of a 2-byte field containing flags:
Signon was successful
sign on and sign off exits
Chapter 1. Global user exit programs 177