74 Hardware Maintenance Manual: xSeries 330
3. Turn the servers on and check the operation of the monitor, pointing device, and
keyboard with each server. (See “Testing the C2T chain” for testing instructions).
Note: Write-on adhesive labels have been provided so that you can label the servers
position in the rack.
Testing the C2T chain
If the monitor, keyboard and mouse are known to be good, the only verification
needed to be performed after connecting the C2T chain is the verification of the
connections of the servers in the chain.
Follow these steps to test the C2T cabling:
1. Turn on all the servers and the monitor, verify that the light in the select button
on server 1 in the C2T chain is lighted indicating it is selected. If it is not, press the
select button.
2. Verify that the monitor is working.
3. Boot an operating system that has a mouse or pointing device driver. Verify the
functionality of the mouse or pointing device.
4. Test your keyboard by typing a few words within an application.
5. Use your keyboard to switch to the last server in the chain. For example, if there
are 42 servers in the chain: Press NumLock twice, press 4, press 2, press Enter.
The monitor screen should go blank after the second NumLock, then become
active again after the Enter is pressed showing the screen output of the selected
server. Verify the keyboard and mouse functionality. If successful, the C2T chain
is tested.
Note: If you were unable to perform steps 2 through 4, verify that the C2T breakout
cable is properly connected to the C2T OUT port of server 1. Retry the test
steps 2 through 4. If the problem persists, disconnect the C2T chaining cable
from the C2T IN port of server 1. Retry the test. If the problem persists, the
problem is due to either a faulty breakout cable or a faulty server. If the
problem ceased to exist after the chaining cable was disconnected, the problem
is probably caused by an anomaly in the chain. A procedure that could be
In Out