Intel IXP45X Computer Hardware User Manual

IXP45X and Intel
IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors—Category
IXP45X and Intel
IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors
HDD February 2007
90 Document Number: 305261, Revision: 004
7.2 Simulation Results
This section contains the simulation results for each of the DDR signal groups. Each of
the signal groups may have different overall topologies based on the number of banks
and ECC usage.
Each signal group simulated below uses a two-bank, 32-bit data bus with ECC based on
16-bit DDR devices.
7.2.1 Clock Group
The clock signal group includes the differential clock pairs DDRI_CK[2:0] and
DDRI_CK_N[2:0]. The following simulation was constructed for the 2 bank x16 device
configuration where each clock would have two receivers.
Table 36 identifies the transmission line lengths for the clock topology shown in
Figure 37 on page 91. These lengths were chosen as realistic goals given the IXP45X/
IXP46X network processors to DDR device body to body separation of no more than
500 mils.
Table 36. Clock Group Topology Transmission Line Characteristics
Transmission Line Length
TL1 (T
= 175 ps/in) ~100 mils
TL2 (T
= 175 ps/in) ~1300 mils
TL3 (T
= 175 ps/in) ~50 mils
TL4, TL5 (T
= 175 ps/in) ~300 mils