Understanding fonts
Your printer has resident fonts stored permanently its memory. Different fonts may be available in PCL
and PostScript emulations.
Your printer supports the following scalable fonts.
Supported fonts
PostScript 3 font names PCL 6 font names
AlbertusMT Albertus Medium
Albertus Extra Bold
AntiqueOlive-Roman Antique Olive
AntiqueOlive-Italic Antique Olive Italic
AntiqueOlive-Bold Antique Olive Bold
ArialMT Arial
Arial-ItalicMT Arial Italic
Arial-BoldMT Arial Bold
Arial-BoldItalicMT Arial Bold Italic
AvantGarde-Book ITC Avant Garde Book
AvantGarde-BookOblique ITC Avant Garde Book Oblique
AvantGarde-Demi ITC Avant Garde Demi
AvantGarde-DemiOblique ITC Avant Garde Demi Oblique
Bookman-Light ITC Bookman Light
Bookman-LightItalic ITC Bookman Light Italic
Bookman-Demi ITC Bookman Demi
Bookman-DemiItalic ITC Bookman Demi Italic
Clarendon Condensed Bold
Coronet-Regular Coronet
Courier CourierPS
Courier-Oblique CourierPS Oblique
Courier-Bold CourierPS Bold