Monarch 9820 Printer User Manual

ASCII to Hexadecimal Conversion Chart
Use the chart below to translate the characters printed on your
test label. The chart lists ASCII characters and their hexadecimal
and decimal equivalents.
Char. Hex Decimal Char. Hex Decimal
NUL 00 0 DC2 12 18
SOH 01 1 DC3 13 19
STX 02 2 DC4 14 20
ETX 03 3 NAK 15 21
EOT 04 4 SYN 16 22
ENQ 05 5 ETB 17 23
ACK 06 6 CAN 18 24
BEL 07 7 EM 19 25
Backspace 08 8 SUB 1A 26
Tab 09 9 Escape 1B 27
linefeed 0A 10 cursor right 1C 28
home 0B 11 cursor left 1D 29
form feed 0C 12 cursor up 1E 30
0D 13 cursor down 1F 31
SO 0E 14 space 20 32
SI 0F 15 ! 21 33
DLE 10 16 " 22 34
DC11117 # 2335
Symbol Sets/Code Pages