Muratec MFX-1350 All in One Printer User Manual

4. Muratec will not be required to make adjustments, repairs or replacements if the prod-
uct is installed or used at a location deemed by Muratec to be hazardous to health or
safety, or if Muratec is not provided with free and reasonable access to the product and
a telephone during service availability hours, or if the product location is not acces-
sible by an authorized Muratec service vehicle.
except as expressLy set forth above, and except to the extent prohIbIted by appLIcabLe
Law, Muratec Makes no other warrantIes, express or IMpLIed (IncLudInG, but not LIMIted
to, any IMpLIed warrantIes of MerchantabILIty or fItness for a partIcuLar purpose, and
any warranty arIsInG froM course of deaLInG or usaGe of trade), and Muratec expressLy
dIscLaIMs aLL warrantIes not stated hereIn. In the event the product Is not free froM
defects as warranted above, the custoMers soLe reMedy shaLL be repaIr or repLaceMent
as provIded above. under no cIrcuMstances shaLL Muratec be LIabLe to the custoMer, or to
any user, for any daMaGes, IncLudInG any IncIdentaL or consequentIaL daMaGes, expenses,
Lost profIts, Lost savInGs or any other daMaGes arIsInG out of the use or InabILIty to use
the Muratec product, even If Muratec or Its representatIves have been advIsed of the pos-
sIbILIty of such daMaGes.
Some States do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam-
ages, and some States do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts,
so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you
specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from State to State.