IP Setup and Network Address Translation 11-19
toggle it to Yes.
■ From the NetBIOS Type pop-up menu, select the type of NetBIOS used on your network.
■ To serve DHCP clients with the NetBIOS scope, select Serve NetBIOS Scope and toggle it to Yes.
Select NetBIOS Scope and enter the scope.
■ To serve DHCP clients with the IP address of a NetBIOS name server, select Serve NetBIOS Name Server
and toggle it to Yes.
Select NetBIOS Name Server IP Address and enter the IP address for the NetBIOS name server.
You are now finished setting up DHCP NetBIOS Options. To return to the IP Address Serving screen press
the Escape key once.
■ To enable BootP’s address serving capability, select Serve BOOTP Clients and toggle to Yes.
Note: Addresses assigned through BOOTP are permanently allocated from the IP Address Serving pool
until you release them. To release these addresses, navigate back to the Main Menu, then Statistics &
Logs, Served IP Addresses, and Lease Management. See “Served IP Addresses” on page 14-10.
MacIP (Kip Forwarding) Options
When hosts using AppleTalk (typically those using LocalTalk) are not directly connected to an IP network (usually
an Ethernet), they must use a MacIP (AppleTalk-IP) gateway.
The optional Netopia AppleTalk feature enhancement kit provides for this service. A MacIP gateway converts
network traffic into the correct format for AppleTalk or IP, depending on the traffic’s destination. The MacIP
gateway can also distribute IP addresses to AppleTalk computers on the network.
DHCP NetBios Options
Serve NetBios Type: +--------+
NetBios Type... | Type B |
| Type P |
Serve NetBios Scope: | Type M |
NetBios Scope: | Type H |
Serve NetBios Name Server: No
NetBios Name Server IP Addr: