ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 498
Step 2: Create a New Project
1. Open Storage Device Manager.
2. Click Projects → New Project.
The Project dialog box opens.
3. Click Projects → Save Project, enter the path/name for
storing the project on your hard drive or your network, then
click Save.
Step 3: Add Files to the Project
1. Click Projects → Add File to Project.
The Open dialog box appears.
2. Make sure PRN files (*.prn) is selected in the Files of type
drop-down list.
3. Browse to the folder where the files are saved and select the
files you wish to add to the project, then click Open.
The Information dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.
The files are saved as HST.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until you have added all the files you
wish to add to the Project.
To delete a file from the project, click the file name, then
click Projects →
Remove File from Project.