Determining Format Contents
Before you lay out your format, you need to make a few decisions.
For example:
How large is your supply?
Which fonts do you want to use?
Do you want to include a bar code?
Do you want to include graphics?
Determining the Print Area
The print area varies, depending on the size of your supply. Below
are the maximum and minimum print areas. Notice that the top
edge of the supply exits the printer first.
Unit of
Supply Size
Print Area
Supply Size
Print Area
200 x 400 183 x 365 120 x 55 109 x 46
508 x 1016 465 x 927 305 x 140 277 x 117
(1/203 dots)
384 x 768 352 x 701 230 x 106 208 x 88
For exact print area measurements of your
supply, see the supply layout grids in
Appendix D.
Use the following formulas to convert inches to dots and metric:
Dots = inches x 192
Metric (1/10mm) = inches x 254
English (1/100 inch) = 100 x (dots/192)
Dots = Metric (1/10 mm) x 756/1000
Designing a Format