R3. row/column Indicates if you are defining the number of rows or columns.
If you specify rows, the bar code expands in columns,
or vice versa.
R4. dimension The number of rows or columns defined for the bar code. The
default is
. Valid values:
for rows
for columns
R,52,C,10 p
Defines the column width of 10, which expands the PDF417 bar
code length by 10.
Option 61 (Re-image Field)
If you have a constant field that appears on top of a non-constant
field, apply this option to the constant field. For example, you may
create a tag for an item on sale. The tag shows both the old and
the new prices, but has a line drawn through the old price.
The constant field can be a line, a box, a graphic, or constant text.
This option redraws the constant field when the other field
changes. If you do not use this option, the field may appear
R,61 p
Using Check Digits
Check digits are typically used to ensure that a text or bar code
field scans correctly. If you apply Option 31, the printer calculates
a check digit. A check digit scheme determines how the printer
calculates a check digit. When you define a check digit scheme,
you assign a number to identify it. This number is later entered in
when you apply Option 31 to a field. You can use check
digits with text or bar code fields. Check digit calculations are
performed on numeric data only.
Defining Field Options