408 No data. Resend packet to the printer.
409 The printer memory is full. Delete unnecessary formats
or graphics from memory. If you are using a graphic file
that is very large, consider using another mapping
method (such as run length encoding) to reduce the
required memory.
415 The buffer size you defined exceeds the total available
in your machine.
420 Internal software error relating to list sync. Call
Technical Support.
421 Internal software error relating to location name. Call
Technical Support.
422 Internal software error relating to duplicate name. Call
Technical Support.
423 Internal mailbox error. Call Technical Support.
424 Item in use. Call Technical Support.
425 Item already checked out. Call Technical Support.
426 Item not checked out. Call Technical Support.
427 Format name is invalid. Valid name is 1 - 8 characters
inside quotes or "" for a printer-assigned name. If the
error reappears, call Technical Support.