Paxar TC6035PR Printer User Manual

G8. mode Imaging mode. Enter 0.
G9. "name" Graphic name (optional), 0-8 characters, enclose within
quotation marks.
Adds a graphic image identified by number 99 to volatile RAM.
The graphic uses dot measurement. The image will be placed
according to the row and column parameters in the graphic field.
The imaging mode is 0 and the image is called 99Wire.
Creating Bitmap Fields
This defines one row of dots, starting at a specific row and column
within the graphic image. Each unique row of dots requires a
bitmap field. A bitmap field can later be repeated by using a
duplicate field.
B1. B Bitmap Field.
B2. row Distance (in dots) from the graphic image’s bottom margin to
the bitmap line.
English 0 - 365
Metric 0 - 927
Dot 0 - 701
B3. column Distance (in dots) from the graphic image’s left edge to the
bitmap line.
English 0 - 183
Metric 0 - 465
Dot 0 - 352
B4. algorithm Coding method for bitmap data:
H Hex Representation
R Run Length Encoding
B5. data Character string made up of hex or run length encoding. Do
not put spaces or any other character between the numbers.
Range: 0 - 2710.
Creating Graphics