8. With both the cut line and the image selected, click on the Layout menu and
select Array. The Array Setup window appears.
9. Enter the total number of copies you would like to make of your image. Adjust
the margins and/or spacing between each image accordingly in order to fit the
maximum number of copies on each page. The Page Preview shows you how
your images will layout when duplicated. The Total Number of Pages box
shows you how many individual pages will be required to produce the
specified number of labels.
10. Click on OK to begin duplicating your image. Note that if copying multiple
pages of output, only one page of images will actually appear on screen. This
is done to conserve system resources. PressPrint remembers the total number
of pages created, however, and automatically sends them to the press at the
time of printing.
When your image is finished duplicating, you may wish to save your file before
printing. To do this, select Save from the File menu and specify a file name and a
location of where you would like the file to be saved. Files will be saved with
PressPrint's native ".CDL" file extension.
Section 7: Installing and Using the PressPrint Software for Windows 51
Digital Label Press 3 User’s Manual
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